The News Park – is a section of the Popular Park Division, Peace Park Publication and Media Group, Peace Strategies Private Ltd., The main goal of our organization is “Creating Innovative – Noble Culture of Peace”. It is our plan to strategize and act accordingly. One of our tasks is to create social awareness among general public.
The News Park is a news platform/ social media/online journal for exclusive articles for creating peace culture, prevention of war and conflicts. We are also presenting general news stories, articles for social awareness along with analysis/investigation. We are working with bona fide Intention with commitment to the public interest and democratic values.
“Let’s say as it is, let’s investigate” is our prime policy. Neutral publication, authenticated information, informative messages, data-oriented articles, simple presentation, publication with analytics and investigation are also our policies.
Our request is “Read Our Publications and Support Us”. Our contact email ID: [email protected]. Our what’s app: 9487665454 (for message only)
Peace Strategies’ Publication and Media Group consists of four divisions: Research Park, Popular Park, and Peace Park Print and Media. Our publishing divisions are releasing both popular and research journals. Below is the enumeration of journals.
The Consumer Park (English) – online journal
The Consumer Park (Tamil) – online journal
The News Park (English) – online journal
The News Park (Tamil) – online journal
The News Park Mobile Application
The Journal of Law, Management and Social Science Research (JLMSSR)
The Journal of International Institutions, Constitutional Law and Governance (JIICLG)
The Journal of Crimes, Accidents, Criminal Law and Victimology (JCACLV)
The Journal of Peace Strategies and Research (JoPSaR)
The Journal of Peace Space, Sea and Air (JPSSA)
The Journal of Voterology and Research (JoVaR)
Peace Strategies
In addition to the Publication and Media Group, our company’s Promotional Activities Group, and Social Engineering Group are also working towards improving society. Every group is made up of several divisions in order to achieve the goal. Our Promotional Activities Group consists of three divisions: Development Projects, Image building and Programme Planning.
Our Knowledge Park and Community Service divisions of the Social Engineering Group are focused on helping the community by collaborating with generous individuals and institutions. Our Social Engineering Group is also working in association with “The International Institute of Peace Strategies and Research”, “The International Institute of Space Peace and Research”, and “The International Institute of Voterology and Research”.
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